Legend has it that the acronym, MAGA, has been around long before head coverings with adjustable clips at the back were invented. Ancient drawings tell the story beginning around the time that we first started walking upright. Apparently early one morning, a special plant was discovered called a "Capaccino wonsooka scimmoomoo". A bright spark named Elonk, worked out that if the pods of the plant were boiled in water and they drank it, their brains became super charged and they could work more efficiently, including on weekends. Soon everyone was addicted and the cry of, "Mugga Argga Gogga Aorga" (roughly translated as "I Need More Coffee!") was heard across the globe. To celebrate this historic discovery, we have released a special Mugga Argga Gogga Aorga range (see below). It's good. It's very very good. The best. Without doubt. Unbelievable.